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Recent advancements in the world of 3D printing have made it possible to produce end-use parts in high volumes and low costs, comparable to traditional manufacturing like injection molding. Where does it make sense to use 3D printing to complement or even replace traditional processes? In this webinar, you’ll see cost comparisons to traditional manufacturing, case studies where SAF™ is used for volume manufacturing today, and more. Fill out the form below to watch this webinar recording.



Alec Logeman - Commercial Applications Engineer - Stratasys

  • Alec specializes in SAF technology, helping customers understand how the H350 works and how it can be used in a variety of industries.

Allen Kreemer - Sr. Strategic Applications Engineer - Stratasys

  • Allen is an applications engineer with deep knowledge of FDM and SAF technologies, supporting the expanding usage of additive manufacturing and managing partnerships with key customers.