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282 개 리소스가 검색됨 for
282 개 리소스가 검색됨
State of the Industry: We've Just Begun to Scratch the Surface Video
State of the Industry: We've Just Begun to Scratch the Surface

Watch Dr. Yoav Zeif's keynote address at the 2024 RAPID + TCT Conference where he talks about the opportunities and challenges for the AM industry. Watch here.

Oklahoma Mission of Mercy Delivers 76 TrueDent Dentures in 24 Hours Video
Oklahoma Mission of Mercy Delivers 76 TrueDent Dentures in 24 Hours

Hear from patients who received comfortable, well-fitting TrueDent dentures and confident, beautiful new smiles at OkMOM’s free two-day dental clinic in Lawton, OK. Express Dental Laboratory owner, Tra’ Chambers, explains how his partnership with Stratasys and the addition of the J5 DentaJet and TrueDent resin transformed OkMOM over the past two years, significantly increasing the number of people they are able to serve with life-changing prosthetics – and doing it in record time.

Stratasys Sustainability: Customer Testimonial (Fashion) Video
Stratasys Sustainability: Customer Testimonial (Fashion)

Hear from Stratasys’ customer D-House (Dyloan) of the Pattern Group explain the science behind sustainable manufacturing for reduced environmental impact.

Evovle Shoe wide wtih black Video
The Creation of Evolve AI Shoes: Evolutionary Footwear that Studies its User and Improves Over Time 

Explore 'Evolve' AI Shoes—biometric innovation and 3D design unite for personalized comfort. Step into the future with Assa Studio and Stratasys: Watch now

Renew Dental brings smiles back with TrueDent 3D printed dentures Video
Renew Dental brings smiles back with TrueDent 3D printed dentures

Renew Dental brings smiles back to their patients with TrueDent dentures - better fit, function, and aesthetics than ever before. Watch the full story here

Indian-based Technology Business Incubator promotes medical innovation with Stratasys J5 MediJet and F170  Video
Indian-based Technology Business Incubator promotes medical innovation with Stratasys J5 MediJet and F170 

Learn how KIIT, a technology business incubator, uses Stratasys printers to maximize digital health innovation and speed up design & prototyping processes.

Labomed leverages Stratasys F170 to save time and money while creating highly aesthetic medical prototypes  Video
Labomed leverages Stratasys F170 to save time and money while creating highly aesthetic medical prototypes 

Learn how having 3D printers in-house helps the design team at Labomed produce highly aesthetic, accurate products in less time and better cost.

Bio Compatible J3 Moment Video
How it Works: Multi material 3D printing  

Watch the video and learn how the Polyjet technology and the J3 DentaJet printer produce higher-quality dental parts with unmatched accuracy.

TrueDent Monolithic Dentures.jpg Video
How it Works: TrueDent Monolithic Dentures

From a CAD model to a 3D printed permanent denture, watch the video and learn how TrueDent dentures are produced with PolyJet tech & J5 DentaJet printer.

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