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Learn how Biomechanical Engineer, Oliver Grimaldo Ruiz from the Polytechnic Institute of Torino is developing and testing designs using medical 3D printers from Stratasys. The research team investigated multiple bio-based structures and 3D printed samples using Stratasys materials. The team tested various designs found in nature: such as bamboo structures and structures that mimic tendon functionality. The testing carried out by the team could only be completed on Stratasys machines, which have the capability to produce parts with various hardness within the same print, similar to structures found in nature.

  • Oliver Grimaldo Ruiz - Biomedical Engineer- Polytechnical Institute of Torino

Oliver Grimaldo Ruiz is an award-winning innovator who is an industry leader in 3D printing anatomical models. He has masters degrees in Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering from the University of Antioquia and Politecnico Di Torino. He has focused his research on investigating the advantages of 3D printed anatomical models and understanding more about the potential to mimic natural tissue structures using 3D printed models and materials. He has worked closely with all aspects of the clinical process and brings his engineering background to push the limits of the 3D printed medical modeling industry

  • Ido Batan - Product Manager Medical Solutions - Stratasys