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Brain medical


Catherine Wallace – Senior Medical Segment Applications Engineer, Stratasys


The Digital Anatomy Creator (DAC) is a powerful tool that enhances the Digital Anatomy Printer possibilities.  The DAC Allows you to customize and create precise medical models. This session will guide you through the software's features, from starting a project to designing unique structures and printing your model.

What we’ll cover? 

  • Navigating the software, including using special structures like Gyroid and Perlin, and applying these to design anatomical models such as hearts, bones, and livers.

  • Understanding how different structures can result in different biomechanical feedback

Join us to learn how to make the most of the Digital Anatomy Creator, for printing realistic models of human anatomy. Whether modifying existing templates or designing from scratch, this webinar will provide the knowledge you need to get started.

To learn more about the Digital Anatomy Creator click the link below