Creighton University uses Stratasys’ DAP to create lifelike, ultrasound-guided breast biopsy models, improving hands-on medical training. Learn more
The University of Iowa’s prototyping lab leverages Stratasys additive manufacturing technology to speed up device design, testing, and production.
TryTec, a small medical device manufacturing company based in Japan, designed its first endoscopic device, Opyls, with Stratasys DLP technology. Read more
Read how Stratasys P3 technology and materials helped H&T Presspart to achieve injection-molding precision and quality for pharmaceutical components.
GO Orthotics retains competitive edge with additive manufacturing technology. Read how the SAF H350 3D printer and the High Yield PA11 made that possible.
미세 유체 공학은 의료 및 엔지니어링 분야에 응용되고 있습니다. 연구자들이 3D 프린팅이 미세 유체 소자의 제조를 바꿀 수 있다고 믿는 이유를 알아보십시오.
Patient-specific 3D printing technology for pre-surgical planning provides comprehensive preparation & helps standardize delivery of care. Read more
Somnosync is a 3D printed sleep mask for REM sleep detection. Read how GEMTEC used our H350 printer & SAF technology to print the snap-fit receptacles.
Stratasys has partnered with Axial3D to make patient-specific 3D anatomical models and images easily accessible and affordable. Read how we did it
3D4Med, an Italy-based clinical 3D printing laboratory, is devoted to the use of our 3D printing technologies for a variety of medical functions. Read more